Saturday, February 11, 2012


I read an essay not too long ago (thank GOD for my
fellow doomers who post links from time to time) about
adapting pyschologically to all the changes coming.
And before I knew it, I was putting some new strategies
in place to deal with the stress in my life.

My favorite coping mechanism is disengaging. When
facing avalanches or irrational beings, or freight train
personalities, removing the emotional component is
soooooo freeing. It frees me to not be the victim or the
recipient of stress/crap/drama etc. The twit took the
kids, I'll love them when they're here, not worry when
they're not. Husband sometimes works too much,
I give him vitamins and aspirin, tell him how I
feel, and then just NOT worry.

I don't bring work stress home, and I pace myself
and limit further exposure to dying and illness.

I've cut back on drinking, I tend to be confrontational.
I'm trying to get regular exercise and vitamins and
adaptogens. I nourish friendships and I've been working
on my health and appearance.

And I'm trying to get rest and prep.


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Where to next?

Here's a pic of my men learning to cast on Christmas Day, one poor
lad fell in. I think my current frustration is lack of time to do things like I'd like them
to be done. We go and go and go. We work, and work, and work. Laundry, dishes,
cleaning, dehydrating, I hardly cook anymore. Date night, tonight was spent with
the older kids, then eating a grilled cheese sandwich, and falling into bed, exhausted
by 9pm.

Unfortunately a barking dawg, and insomnia had me back up in 30 minutes, so I did
more laundry. I've never worked so hard in my life....

Today, I had a melt down, sparked by a six year old and husband talked me through
my stress without escalating my vent. He's quite clever.