Monday, December 26, 2011

I had a brilliant rambling put down in virtual space and lost it as the net crumbled under the weight
of everyone facebooking about their holidays.Clearly, this was an ominous sign. And it was a sign
that matched my mood. I want to prep. I have a garden to plant, chickens to buy, more veggies to
dehydrate. The list is endless. The addition of a new canine has slightly altered my plans for the
back yard, but spring is just around the corner and the world is fraying at the seams, time to get


Tuesday, December 6, 2011


The kids posing with my zombie apocolypse tree.

I know, right?


What's next?

Isn't that the BIG question. I've been chatting up a fellow
doomer at work, sharing some ideas about weaponry, timelines,
dehydrators, alternate currenices. What? ya'll don't have a
fellow doomer at work?

We have a few examples to see how collapse has happened elsewhere.
Germany, Africa, and more recently Argentina. And even more recently,
the Middle East. Social media helped spark movements and bring down
dictators, and cause more wars and more bloodshed. Argentina is
probably the best example:

I pointed my coworker torwards ferfal's blog. In a nutshell, life
is harder, inflation and crime rampant, utilities spotty, and
food and medicine scare. I suggested to my coworker that he buy
enough ammo for his and his children's lifetimes.

Back to the timeline, I don't think we have ten years, probably
not even 5... we can expect the unexpected. We can assume that
change is around every corner. And if we get tired of being
flexible and having good attitudes, there is always someone
younger and hungrier and willing to do more for less. We can
all be replaced. I walk into work with a smile on my face almost
every day. I insure us, you won't hear any grumbling from me..

On to prepping. I took a week off from dehydrating and I felt so
darned guilty. I was ill, working, working, working and I finally
ran out of stuff to do dehydrate. I hate doom-guilt. So yesterday
after washing up my recent finds from my fav charity shhop, I went
to Aldi's, determined to feed my dehydrator. I bought massive
amounts of produce. I pickd up the kids and we chatted. I told
them I had bought oranges, apples and pears. "PEARS? We want pears!"
One of the lads even asked for a pear in his lunchbox. Now, how
cute is that?

Gotta go feed the dehydrator.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Ahh family . . .

There are now 7 of us, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
There is almost always someone to talk to, share the load with,
butt heads against, drink a beer with, and share a meal.

Thanksgiving was great this year, no stress, no worries.

I put a dent in the Christmas shopping that night, I figured
what the hell, I have insomnia anyways. I bought heaps of warm
pajamas, and a few toys. The lads are starting basketball next
week, so I got 2 of them as well.

I did a big grocery shop Friday,I'm not having much success
dehydrating cranberries. I got a second part time, low stress
gig to help add funds to the family coffers.

Our housemate picked up a second gig, Husband dropped one job.
The oldest daughter brought home a fabulous dog, they are quite
smitten with one another.

I have been maing trips to a local thrift shop, they have clothes
on one side of the store 2/$1. So I've managed to stock up on
playclothes and get a bit ahead on bigger sizes.

Much to do, M

Monday, October 31, 2011

Prepping my a$$ off . . .

Thanks to Wendy, I was able to take my mind of personal doom
and focus on the Zombie Apocolypse.

1. We scored a ton of used clothes for the kids at a local
consignment sale.

2. We bought the kids each their very own shovel 2/$1.

3. My food dehydrator has been going nonstop for nearly a month.
I actually have at least 8 more loads to go in (each load takes
about a day), before I even have to think "what next?"

4. I have run out of room in the pantries for canned goods.

5. Everyone in this household of 7 is comfortable with prepping.

6. I have been working my ass off since husband lost his job.

7. Husband now has 5, count 'em 5, jobs. I helped him this some
this weekend (it's hard to spend quality time riggt now, lol)
Sunday morning we were up at 2:45 am to start his paper route.
Sunday afternoon, we went to the airport for his 5th job (delivering
lost luggage). It's actually a pretty good gig. We drove up to
Dunlap,TN. It was absolutely gorgeous. The fall colors were so
nice, the mountains and valleys so scenic. I made husband promise
to buy me a farm if we ever struck it rich. We got the luggage
delivered and on the way home, I scored 40 pounds of locally
grown sweet potatoes.

Happy Hectic Days,

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Today I prepped by . . .

Going to the dentist.

Taking a walk.

Turning off the thermostat.

Attacking old and failing grout
in 2 bathrooms.

Dehydrating 2 pineapples and 2 pounds
of strawberries.

Finding a babysitter for my as yet to
be acquired chickens.


Monday, March 28, 2011

I always cruise the clearance section . . .

. . . of any store I'm in. Today I stopped
at Walgreen's for pepto and gingerale for my
sick huby and found great deals on toilet
paper, and dishwashing liquid. I also
found some boxes of oatmeal and hot chocolate
on clearance. It really feels good to stock


Friday, March 25, 2011

Making headway . . .

I'm washing out juice bottles and refilling them
with water for an emergency water supply. My
lovely husband gave me a bit of money for prep
and I have berkey filters once again (got to
put it together, tho.)

I also bought a lovely excalibur food dehydrator.
I haven't had a chance to play with it yet, I've
been super busy at work and trying to avert

I'm having a mobile chicken coop delivered next
Friday. I worked lots of extra, so it'll be paid

I got next season's coats, and some clothes and
sandles for the boys at Walmart. They realy like
camo ; ).

I think I'll be knee deep in chicks and berry bushes
by Monday!


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Banana chips!

They turned out chewy, and I ended up
drying them for almost 30 hours. I
think they still had too much moisture
in them, not sure.

We promptly ate 1/2. They were sweet
and almost tangy. (I soaked the fruit
in lemon juice to keep the color.)

I think I want a BAD-ass dehydrator

Grin. M

Monday, March 7, 2011

Prepping for collapse

I actually got a heckofalot done today.
I hauled home $167 worth of food from
Aldi's. It felt so darned good to fill
my cabinets, rotate stock and to have
stock to rotate.

Nicole gave me some great plastic
containers (recycled kitty litter
containers) and I washed them out
and have one 1/2 filled with rice
and another 1/2 filled with dry

I watched a youtube video on food
dehydration and experimented with
cinnamon-banana chips. Stay tuned.

And my dogs are home. Yay.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Preparing for econimic collapse on a dime . . .

I love this blog. It says what needs to be said from
someone who's going through collapse first hand.

So today, I sent this link to my husband. I hope
to foster an understanding of the stuff I'm doing
for our family. Cost: 0.

I also washed out 2 soda bottles. I'm going to store
water in them. Cost: 0.

I went for a walk to check out my new neighborhood
and try and meet some new neighbors. Cost: 0.

I turned off the heat when the temps outside reached
55f. Savings: not sure.

Soetimes prep is in the little things.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Today for doom I . . .

went shopping with a list of items that I needed
to stock up on. (Our reserves got really low with
the move.) I bought flour, sugar, rice, beans,
canned tuna and spices. I also stocked up on fresh

I adore Aldi's prices. No where else in town can you
get a bag of apples or oranges for $1.49 or pineapples
for under a buck.

Also this month, my new husband got lasik'd. I got
both of us to the skin doctor. The southern sun isn't
kind to the fair skinned.

I've gotten the family used to lower temperatures.
I scored 8 shirts at the big box for $1 each for the
kids. I started back to the gym.

more later,
