Thursday, December 30, 2010

A new blog for 2011

Or I could just be slighty demented to think I have
time to devote to a new project. (I don't even have
time to contribute to forums at the moment.)

I don't want my blog to be a spinoff but it needs to
adapt and become relevant. I think it's time. So
without further ado, let's hash some economic news.
I took the good measure of saving news websites
that Matt used as an origin for his news articles.
Not all of them, but those worth a second look.

One site I like is Here is an article
that peaked my interest:

A wee bit: Those numbers are meaningless. The price of a pair of jeans will be 50% higher. Food will cost us 15% more. Gas will be at $4. Bernanke’s QE will be blamed for the inflation.

So the great squeeze is on and times are going to get
rougher. So time to stock the closets with larger
sizes by hitting the clearance racks or thrift shops
or yard sales. I buy my men underwear constantly.

We've been staying home to eat a lot more. And I've
been shopping Aldi's and sales at Walgreen's. I can
usually stretch my budget by 40% or so doing this.



Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Adapting to change . . .

I'm sure someone in an office in academia can explain this
to me. But have you ever been through so much change, rolling
along full steam ahead, until your brain says "You know what?
Enough is enough. Shhhhhhh." ?

I had one of those moments recently.. The elasticity of my
reasonable elastic brain went on strike. Nope. No more
adapting today thank you.

And relying on past customs and behaviors and paradigms?
Oh HELL no. That doesn't work either.

So where am I at exactly? Walking around in a daze?
Escapist behaviors? Well no, those don't work either.

I need to get quiet. I need time for the dust to settle.

I think.


Monday, December 13, 2010

My sort of doc called . . .

"Feeling run down still?"

"Uhhh yeah."

"Well your TSH is nonexistant and your T3 is
high, cut your medicine in 1/2 and come back
for a check mid-January."

"OK, thanks." My spotted brain recalled slippery elm
as an excellent herb for stabilizing bouncy thyroid

So today I rested. I didn't cook, work or clean.
I rested and then rested some more. I scored some
very cool boxes from the appliance delivery guys.
The boxes kept the kids amused and imagining for
a few hours. I don't keep the telly on much when
I watch them, they really don't seem to miss it.

I've been feeling very grateful for my new husband
and my warm, solid home and for all my wonderful
kids. God has truly blessed me.

And while I want to prep my heart out, I need to
pace myself. I'll get it done, it may just take
a while.


Friday, December 10, 2010

We've started moving . . .

I woke up at 2 this morning with pain
in my chest, a bronchitis type pain.
I muddled about online, took some
aspirin and went back to bed. We
got up at 7:30, I loaded the car
and did the dishes while hubby
showered. At 9:30, my husband was
getting a vasectomy. At 10:30, I
was being seen by another doctor
for bronchitis, and an ear and sinus

We went to lunch and ran some errands
while my prescriptions got filled.
Husband iced up, and I took a nap.
We managed two small car trips to the
new house. I vacuumed, de-cob-webbed,
and swept, and stocked my dehydrated
food in a closet.

HUsband arranged the utilities, movers,
the POD, and the delivery of a new
fridge, and help.

I have the Christmas Tree set up. ;)
Tomorrow, moving, work, cleaning and
a bit of shopping.

Wish me luck.


Monday, December 6, 2010

Not just another pretty face . . .

So today was another gosh-awful Monday.
The kids acted up, my husband's job was
a booger, and the stress of it all had me
questioning my sanity. I almost broke down
in front of the kids' teacher. I called
my dad to vent. I rang my girlfriend to
cuss and try and arrange some time away.

I'm cracking under the pressure.

On a positive note, husband and I are
spending alone time together tomorrow. I
desperately want to keep this marriage
nurtured and healthy.

On a positive note, we may close by Friday.
I already have furniture arrangments plotted
on out paper.

On a positive note, I keep learning and prepping.
Before my favorite Peak Oil news site went lunar,
(no disrespect, I only have so much time in
the day), I saved a series of websites so I can
scour the net for my own news updates.

Here's what I learned today:

This is a great post that explains the international
money crisis by region and suggests implications for
our country. (READ, not much chance of hyperinflation for us!)

Then I studied up on something called the Texas Ratio:

And I checked my bank's health on this website:

Then I scored 4 loaves of bread at Walgreen's for 75 cents
each. Bread freezes very well, and I hate running out. I've
saved my family lots of money by putting cheap meals together
via pbj's, french toast, and grilled cheese sandwhiches.

On my last positive note, we've done cash for Christmas.
And I'm looking forward to hitting the sales and clearance
racks to stock up on clothing basics in larger sizes.


Trying to get in the holiday mood