Friday, January 28, 2011

Preparing for econimic collapse on a dime . . .

I love this blog. It says what needs to be said from
someone who's going through collapse first hand.

So today, I sent this link to my husband. I hope
to foster an understanding of the stuff I'm doing
for our family. Cost: 0.

I also washed out 2 soda bottles. I'm going to store
water in them. Cost: 0.

I went for a walk to check out my new neighborhood
and try and meet some new neighbors. Cost: 0.

I turned off the heat when the temps outside reached
55f. Savings: not sure.

Soetimes prep is in the little things.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Today for doom I . . .

went shopping with a list of items that I needed
to stock up on. (Our reserves got really low with
the move.) I bought flour, sugar, rice, beans,
canned tuna and spices. I also stocked up on fresh

I adore Aldi's prices. No where else in town can you
get a bag of apples or oranges for $1.49 or pineapples
for under a buck.

Also this month, my new husband got lasik'd. I got
both of us to the skin doctor. The southern sun isn't
kind to the fair skinned.

I've gotten the family used to lower temperatures.
I scored 8 shirts at the big box for $1 each for the
kids. I started back to the gym.

more later,
