Thursday, December 30, 2010

A new blog for 2011

Or I could just be slighty demented to think I have
time to devote to a new project. (I don't even have
time to contribute to forums at the moment.)

I don't want my blog to be a spinoff but it needs to
adapt and become relevant. I think it's time. So
without further ado, let's hash some economic news.
I took the good measure of saving news websites
that Matt used as an origin for his news articles.
Not all of them, but those worth a second look.

One site I like is Here is an article
that peaked my interest:

A wee bit: Those numbers are meaningless. The price of a pair of jeans will be 50% higher. Food will cost us 15% more. Gas will be at $4. Bernanke’s QE will be blamed for the inflation.

So the great squeeze is on and times are going to get
rougher. So time to stock the closets with larger
sizes by hitting the clearance racks or thrift shops
or yard sales. I buy my men underwear constantly.

We've been staying home to eat a lot more. And I've
been shopping Aldi's and sales at Walgreen's. I can
usually stretch my budget by 40% or so doing this.



Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Adapting to change . . .

I'm sure someone in an office in academia can explain this
to me. But have you ever been through so much change, rolling
along full steam ahead, until your brain says "You know what?
Enough is enough. Shhhhhhh." ?

I had one of those moments recently.. The elasticity of my
reasonable elastic brain went on strike. Nope. No more
adapting today thank you.

And relying on past customs and behaviors and paradigms?
Oh HELL no. That doesn't work either.

So where am I at exactly? Walking around in a daze?
Escapist behaviors? Well no, those don't work either.

I need to get quiet. I need time for the dust to settle.

I think.


Monday, December 13, 2010

My sort of doc called . . .

"Feeling run down still?"

"Uhhh yeah."

"Well your TSH is nonexistant and your T3 is
high, cut your medicine in 1/2 and come back
for a check mid-January."

"OK, thanks." My spotted brain recalled slippery elm
as an excellent herb for stabilizing bouncy thyroid

So today I rested. I didn't cook, work or clean.
I rested and then rested some more. I scored some
very cool boxes from the appliance delivery guys.
The boxes kept the kids amused and imagining for
a few hours. I don't keep the telly on much when
I watch them, they really don't seem to miss it.

I've been feeling very grateful for my new husband
and my warm, solid home and for all my wonderful
kids. God has truly blessed me.

And while I want to prep my heart out, I need to
pace myself. I'll get it done, it may just take
a while.


Friday, December 10, 2010

We've started moving . . .

I woke up at 2 this morning with pain
in my chest, a bronchitis type pain.
I muddled about online, took some
aspirin and went back to bed. We
got up at 7:30, I loaded the car
and did the dishes while hubby
showered. At 9:30, my husband was
getting a vasectomy. At 10:30, I
was being seen by another doctor
for bronchitis, and an ear and sinus

We went to lunch and ran some errands
while my prescriptions got filled.
Husband iced up, and I took a nap.
We managed two small car trips to the
new house. I vacuumed, de-cob-webbed,
and swept, and stocked my dehydrated
food in a closet.

HUsband arranged the utilities, movers,
the POD, and the delivery of a new
fridge, and help.

I have the Christmas Tree set up. ;)
Tomorrow, moving, work, cleaning and
a bit of shopping.

Wish me luck.


Monday, December 6, 2010

Not just another pretty face . . .

So today was another gosh-awful Monday.
The kids acted up, my husband's job was
a booger, and the stress of it all had me
questioning my sanity. I almost broke down
in front of the kids' teacher. I called
my dad to vent. I rang my girlfriend to
cuss and try and arrange some time away.

I'm cracking under the pressure.

On a positive note, husband and I are
spending alone time together tomorrow. I
desperately want to keep this marriage
nurtured and healthy.

On a positive note, we may close by Friday.
I already have furniture arrangments plotted
on out paper.

On a positive note, I keep learning and prepping.
Before my favorite Peak Oil news site went lunar,
(no disrespect, I only have so much time in
the day), I saved a series of websites so I can
scour the net for my own news updates.

Here's what I learned today:

This is a great post that explains the international
money crisis by region and suggests implications for
our country. (READ, not much chance of hyperinflation for us!)

Then I studied up on something called the Texas Ratio:

And I checked my bank's health on this website:

Then I scored 4 loaves of bread at Walgreen's for 75 cents
each. Bread freezes very well, and I hate running out. I've
saved my family lots of money by putting cheap meals together
via pbj's, french toast, and grilled cheese sandwhiches.

On my last positive note, we've done cash for Christmas.
And I'm looking forward to hitting the sales and clearance
racks to stock up on clothing basics in larger sizes.


Trying to get in the holiday mood

Friday, November 26, 2010

Doom and Christmas

My new husband and I are trying to buy a home and
get moved in before the collapse of the mortgage industry
and Christmas.

We may even put up, then move a Christmas tree. Sighhh.

I am now married to a financial geek (i am one as well) and
it's a journey blending our styles. Husband has a spreadsheet
on his iphone.

I heard about a sale at Old Navy and we got new coats and
practical jeans for the kids. (Thursday afternoon.)

Thursday night we moseyed to Walmart to see how far we could
stretch our modest budget to cover 8 kids. I bounded up and
down the aisles like a gazelle in my native habitat, while husband
never lost sight of me, pushed a cart, and plucked spreadsheets
in his iphone. My younger daughter came along and strutted the
sale in heels, looking like a million bucks.

We got 10 pairs of warm jammies for the kids, and bikes to teach
the twins how to ride. Rain started pouring on the roof, so husband
went home to get a different car. Now my coffee is locked inside the
car and I can't find the keys



Monday, November 22, 2010

Starting from scratch on the eve of collapse

Who the hell buys a house/urbanesque doomstead
on the eve of collapse? I do! I do!

18 months and counting til the world goes to hell,
would someone please time me?

Gotta run,


Thursday, November 18, 2010

My day so far . . .

I needed new tires. The cheapest place was also the
most far away. I figured my time was worth a drive so
I moseyed over to my old county and was the first
customer of the day. They had me in and out with
4 brand new tires before I'd had time to log onto
facebook from my phone. This place was at least
$20 cheaper than the local walmart. Pass.

A nap and a shower later, I went over to publix and
scored on some cheap cereal by combining coupons and
sale items. I turned my $20 savings into food in our
pantry. Pass.

I failed to read the receipt and was charged double for
a supposed sale item. Fail. I'm making another trip over
to get my money back (and the kids want to see the
lobsters). Pass.


Monday, November 15, 2010

I just liked the picture

I have so much to say and so little time.
I'm working my ass off. Recovering financially
from divorces and raising kids puts a constant
strain on our finances.

Marriage-wise, we're working out the kinks of
hoildays, unreliable ex's and blended families.
I'm trying to introduce new traditions and
trying to carve out some "us" time in our
super busy lives.

Stress-wise, I'm struggling a bit. OK, a lot.

Healthwise, I've lost a bit of weight. I'm
also feeling worn down.

Prayer wise, I'm amazed at the daily interventions
when I need them most.

PO-wise, thinga are coming along well enough.
We're moving forward with the house. I'm almost
ready to start packing.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I'm dreaming about . . .

1. Urban homesteading.

2. Chickens in the side yard.

3. An edible landscape of berry bushes and
a dwarf fruit tree or 3.

4. Planting potatoes and garlic.

5. Having time to work out.

6. New tires for my car, and an oil change.

7. Stocking the shelves in my dream kitchen
with tons of food.

8. Buying 4 zero rated sleeping bags in January.

9. Hitting some super amazing sales in late winter
and scoring enough clothing to keep the kids warm for
years to come.

10. Doing all this while becoming debt free.


Monday, November 8, 2010

the wonders of technology

We're driving home from Atlanta and I'm on line
at the same time. How cool is that? Blogging from my
Mobile. Today we made a counter, counter offer.
and I prayed a lot. We're running short on time. And I had a
Very long chat with husband about doom and the things I
Need to accomplish very soon. More LATER

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The toys they like the most . . .

Our almost five year olds are seeing a lot
of commercials. It's getting to be that time
of year. They have a few pricey things, but
the toys they like most are boxes, recycled
plastic bottles and, baskets, cups, and the
occasional fast food toy or dollar store
find. They like to use their imagination,
and not be scolded if something breaks.

Their latest find is some pet snakes. Cost?


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"We can put the chickens here and the garden there"

I just liked the picture. : )

This week I was naughty and splurged on a
new cellphone. Ok. I admit it. It's a mobile
penis MP. I can now keep up with emails and
family on the go. (So many of my kin don't
text, and my "me time" has been drastically

My amazing husband came home for an early
lunch today and we went and looked at some more
houses. I saw one I really liked. It had a place
for chickens, a fenced backyard, a lovely side
yard, and it had plenty of room for our kids.
I even saw a fireplace. We have an appointment
to go back and see it tomorrow.

I stopped by CVS and stocked up on toilet paper,
coffee, dish detergent and toilet paper. Bit by bit,
I'm building up our supplies.

We've had a few meals at home for a change. I get
so much pleasure from pancakes and turkey sausage
for dinner.


Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

I got paid Friday and . . .

1. Paid off another small bill, woohoo.

2. Made the twit a sandwhich, she's leaving
town. It was the least I could do.

3. Stocked socks and beer. You can never have
enough of either.

4. Bought my younger daughter a long sleeve
shirt commemorating beating her school's arch
rival. Hehehehe.

5. On Saturday, I filled my gas tank on the way
home from work and made a special stop at Aldi's.
I'm trying to build up our food stores bit by bit.
I bought 2 cases of canned veggies, juice, pancake
mix and syrup.



Thursday, October 28, 2010

My week so far . . .

The forum went to hell on Saturday, I was working
and then attended a band competition, and family
outting. I fell into bed exhausted at midnight,
and had no idea of what was traspiring.

I took my computer into work on Sunday, to try
and catch up on some emails and news on my break.
The forum was shut up, and I made some calls to
old and trusted friends to try and get to the
bottom of it.

I got home Sunday night and was hoping for some
quiet time, cuddles and a neck rub. Instead,
my beloved spouse had caught the Stomach Virus
From Hell. He proceeded to puke/barf/hurl as
soon as I got home. I finished dinner and tried
to visit with my daughter while juggling my new
sons (Mischief and Mayhem). I collapsed into bed
about 10:30, and tried to comfort my spouse
who shook and heaved all night.

We were woken up by my daughter at 5:55 on Monday
morning, tornado alarms were going off. My silly
man tied to go to work, "Go to bed, you'll just
give it to everyone else." I got the new sons off
to school, and then headed over for my very last
MRI. My stomach cramped as we were finishing up.


The rest of Monday was a blur. I threw up my toe
nails, ran a fever, and had body aches. On Tuesday,
I asked my husband, "Why don't we have any good
pain pills?" He found some old Tylenol #3 from
2008. Bless him, it felt so good to be pain free.
By Tuesday evening, I was trying to clean the house.
We ran errands that night, and checked out some
local real estate options. We ate dinner out and I
got a call from my (a little bit lonely) mom.
We got home just in time to skype with my home
sick older daughter.

On Wednesday, we took the kids to their new school
to introduce them to their new class mates, they
start next week. I finished cleaning the house
and cooked dinner, and I put us both back on
rhodiola rosea, an adaptogen. My younger daughter
came over and I fixed her dinner and hung out with
her until about 10:30pm.

Today I got up early to see her before school, and
I thought I'd get 30-60 minutes of me time. The rest
of my crew woke up at 7:05. Halloween is like crack
to a 4 year old, they can't get enough of it (and
we've had activites almost daily for a week).
We had a field trip to a pumpkin patch. The weather
was glorious. I asked husband to buy me a farm.
He said "settle down, Michelle." One twin was still
recovering from the Stomach Bug, and the other had
green sinus drainage and a cough.

When the field trip was over, we decided to keep on
tripping, and drove a few more exits up the road to
see a dairy processing facilty. Four ice cream cones,
and a call from a tennant later, we headed back to
town. We ran rental errands for a few hours, we got
home in time for me to change into work clothes.
Dinner was a happy meal, and I headed to work for
a few hours. "Michelle why are you here on an off day?"
"I have new bills, old bills and seven kids, I think."

At 11:15 pm, I plugged in husband's work phone and cuddled
and scratched him, while we talked about our rare
separate evening. He's such a nurturer, yay.

And now it's Friday, 00:12.


Saturday, October 23, 2010

A day in the life . . .

In the last 3 weeks we've scoured these hills and
valleys, crunched numbers, trolled the internet
and had a tarrot card reading in the hunt for our
new home. (Prayer too, yo.) I've had several doom
talks with husband, trying to emphasize the need
for close proximity to work/wood/land/water.

I've had my man in for a colonoscopy, a stress test
and a root canal in a week and a half. We're just
catching up on some deferred maintanance. We even
followed up with his doctor yesterday.

We have the kids all the time now, our transition
is nearly complete. (Read, I have a bottle of
champagne to pop when the twit is finished leaving

We had our 2 month anniversary today. I mentioned
it in passing while catching barf, wiping green
snot, and solving world peace. Life is very full,
and very busy. AND, I work.


House hunting continues . . .

Monday, October 18, 2010

"you have to put aside your emotions . . ."

A friend advised me of this recently while we
discussed my hunt for a new home. And I don't
really have the luxury of time to process all
that she told me.

So I called my realtor, again this morning.
Wish me luck.


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Is it the autumn of civilization?

I love this time of year. I adore my husband, all seven
of our children, the briskness in the air and the turning
of the leaves. It's the season for cool walks, high school
football games, candy corn, bonfires and amazing beer. In
short, I'm having too much fun. Being with someone
who understands me only adds to my delight. I keep pinching
myself, wondering when I'll wake up from the very best day
dream of my life.

Today I had a break from the twins. And without their voices
calling and demanding nearly constant attention, doom stopped
by for a visit. I read the news, it wasn't good. It's time to
prep (again) in earnest. The window of opportunity is closing.
We don't have much time left. Our military points to 2012, to
2015, as the start of difficult times. Our civilian government
has no plans at all, save the status quo and weird currency

Today, my poor hubby came home from work, and I gave him the
"time is running out and I'm really worried" talk. He listened.
I talked about oil, food, electricity, the 1970's, the need
for chickens, a garden, a doomstead, and water. He took it all
in, and then said he had too much on his plate now to deal with.
I countered, that I needed to start buying extra food and he
woulnd't notice the difference in the budget. I also needed
him to know my heart and my concerns.

A few hours, 40 ice cream cone cupcakes, a little finger
desplintered, a bath and bed time for the little ones later,
I'm making plans.


Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I need to start dragging my camera
around wherever I go. I lost some
great shots in the last few days.

I have a to do list, that I'm
slowly chipping away at in my
non existant free time. Today
I woke at 4:30 in the morning,
tidied our apartment home, did
situps, showered and emailed
my Aussie~fied daughter.

I rolled into work and put in
a solid and pleasing 12 hours.
I stuck to my diet, ate fruit
and non processed foods. I
left work as the sun was setting
and drove to a casual movie set
to watch my oldest new son and
husband act in an independent

I left early, met my younger
daughetr at the door and we shared
a veggie sub. We internet
chatted with my older daughter,
the poor baby needs a care package.

Time for bed.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Marry me and get a camera shoved up your butt! (and a root canal)!

And I was true to my word. The day
after our honeymoon, I became his
dependent, and my husband became mine.
We are among the lucky few with not
one, but two insurances. And in the
weird insurance world, our insurances
like each other and are willing to
work with each other in regard to
co-pays and such. This is the same
for our dental insurances as well.

My beloved spouse has a long family
history of colon cancer. He was two
years overdue for another screening.
It's human nature to put things off,
especially when divorce leaves you
with mountains of debt, and the
thought of huge medical bills only
adds to the conundrum.

So after the honeyoon, I made some
phone calls and started setting up
appointments for both of us. I think
I impressed him with my initiative.

He found the colon prep easy. First
some pills, then miralax mixed with
gatorade. This was much tastier than
the last time. We confirmed his test
a few days in advance, and showed
up with time to spare yesterday

We were in and out in record time,
everyone was lovely and took great
care of us. (No one seemed to mind
my holding his hand, or pda's.)
The lady doctor was excellent, and
one small, half hearted polyp was
sent off for analysis. My spouse
cracked jokes the whole time, and
then treated us to a big country

We'd do it again!


(next week, the root canal)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Random thoughts . . .

I trimmed small amounts from
my annual expenses recently.
I closed my mad money checking
account for a savings of
$72. I kept the free savings
account. I dopped my daughter's
road side assistance from
my cell phone plan, she won't
be needing it in Australia.
This saved me $36 per year.

My husband and I are muddling
through the process of combining
finances. We have his, mine and
ours. I'm on his accounts, he's
on mine. My tenant's rent check
is my fixed contribution to the
household accounts. I want to
and do maintain some independence
from him in regards to money.
I came with bills, I pay them.
I'm his backup in rough weeks,
he's mine. I let him know when
I spen money out of the household
accounts. I haven't touched a dime
of his bonus check that sits in an
my savings account. Some how we
make it work.

The hunt for a doomstead continues.


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A nice day . . .

My beloved spouse got off work
early and we both went to the
dentist. He has to go back for
a root canal.

We took a country drive and
saw a doomstead that beckoned
to me. (REALLY beckoned to me.)
We're going back for another
look in an hour.


Monday, September 20, 2010

Fall projects?

Fall is very weird in Georgia and
Tennesee. It comes at you out of
nowhere. One minute, it's 95F every
single day and the next it's cold
and too late to plant anything.

Joan posted a question online about
fall projects. So I thought it would
be a good time to put pen to paper,
or words to virtual space and take
stock of where I'm going and what
I'm doing.

I'm getting all my annual checkups.

I'm stocking some meds.

I'm seeing the dentist this week.

I see the neurologist next month.

We're getting the same for my husband.

I'm trying to build up my stamina and

My new tennant seems to be working out just

I'm trying not to charge. I've begun the baby
steps torwards debt paydown.

I'm pondering savings and retirement.

Stocking up:
October is just around the corner. By then I
will have caught up from moving and wedding
expenses and I'll have extra cash to prep.
My friend Nicole said she accomplished prep
just a little at a time. Yesterday we went to
Walgreens to get a few photos printed and I
picked up a store add and found some bargains.
I bought dishwashing liquid, extra tp, feminine
products for a song. I was grinning ear to ear
and hubby said, "It doesn't take much to make
you happy."


We're quietly looking for a new home.

I need my TN cocealed carry permit.


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Are the lights going out?

Common wisdom wouldn't even address
such a question. Yet, a recent story
in the local press told of an
apartment complex headed to foreclosure
and the utilities turned off for
all the units ~ because 50% of
the tennants hadn't paid their

We live in interesting times. On
any given month, 50% of my husband's
tennants don't pay their rent.
Living marginally is becoming the
new norm for so many folks. I
actually posted for rent signs
and knocked on the door of a nonpayer
just yesterday. I was polite, but
firm. "This can't go on another
month, we can't pay OUR bills. We
need you out by the weekend."

And my spidey sense is tingling
on overdrive. Time to work some
extra shifts and build up my
food stores.


Saturday, September 11, 2010

I grew up, I swear . . .

Yes world, I have a Hello Kitty
debit card. I did leave this
purse at the store, damnit.
My point is, I have a child
like enthusiasm for life.
A near miss with a fatal
disease, and hanging with
full throttle lads brings
it out in me.

And I love with full throttle
enthusiasm, I don't know how
not too. I love my new husband
to the point of public
embarassment. I see nothing
wrong with nibbling on his
ear in front of the kids
at the playground, at the mall.

I love my friends and family
with equal adoration. I am
not however, a pushover. I
have my limits. I'll give you
the shirt off my back, but
don't take it without asking.

The saddest thing I told a
former friend the other day
was, "you burn through friends
and lovers like chewing gum".

She nodded, sad that.


Monday, September 6, 2010

Time for Drogheda to stop . . .

This phrase has been bouncing
though my spotted brain for the
last week. It's from one of the
final paragraphs of The Thorne
Birds. One of the main characters
was reflecting on her family's
long journey with a farm in
the outback. It was time for
another family to work the land.

I feel the same way about my
little farmlette. It's time for it
to stop. My family has scattered
and begun reseeding itself, as
families do. One daughter has
sprouted wings all the way to
Australia. The other is looking
forward, and sees a life beyond
these mountains and valleys.

I have been moving the last few
days. Dad and I took a load to the
dump, a load to my new home~for~
now, and a load to the Goodwill.
I have more purging to do. I hate
purging, I find it draining and
exhausting to decide what to keep
and what to get rid of. So many
things have memories attached.

My tenant to be has dreams, likes
my dogs, wants more horses and
might just have enough pluck to
pull it off. Sometime in the next
six months or so, I will walk
through the doors of my new home.
I will see land that beckons to
me, and my journey with that
farmlette will begin.


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ask, and ye shall recieve . . .

Some time ago, I asked God for a new life mate.
I needed nurturing, hand holding, understanding,
and other wicked good things.

God heard, helped me over the bumbs, and I found
a new life. I became a new wife.

On a fine afternoon in late August, we married in
a park surrounded by our family and friends. The
wedding took 5 minutes, the party lasted 3 hours.
I gained three sons, he gained two daughters.
I brought an impressive dowry of weapons, ammo
and land. He brought passion, compassion, real
estate and an open mind.

Our wedding night was postponed, as we had a house
full of children. The next day we took my daughters
to the doctor. One had a swollen hand, the other
needed a checkup before she left for foreign lands.

The next morning, we boarded a plane for Virginia.
When we arrived there, it was cold and raining.
The cold felt awesome after a long hot southern summer.
Husband looked at me, and I looked at the map.
I remembered visiting the Luray Caverns when I
was all of 11 years old (1978). I pointed to
our destination and we took off.

I loved the caverns. He(Ty) loved them. When we
were done with the tour, I asked an employee where
she likes to eat lunch. We ended up at a small
town diner, filled with locals. Ty asked a local
what he liked to do for fun. We were pointed in
the direction of a scenic highway and some
wineries. The rain helped us decide on a winery.
No tours were available, but we had our first
official tasting. I finally met a chardonay I

Ty mentioned that he'd never been to the Smithsonian.
So of course, we spent the next 2 days touring
the air and space museums. We snuck in a bit of
peach picking and a visit to a feloow doomer's
for dinner. We had a gorgeous trip.


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Closure and fresh begginings . . .

I done lost my post. Gtting hitched
tomorrow. Wish us well.


Monday, August 9, 2010

Frugal weddings

I'll be honest, folks keep asking me about my
wedding plans . . . and I'm not really making
any. I had the date arranged, and changed, and
a preacher lined up with a phone call. My
fiance and I may go pick up the lisence thingy
this week.

I found a park near where we live, we're going to
mosey in commando style, get hitched, get some
gorgeous pictures and mosey out before anyone
notices 35 folks gathered about.

We're hosting an afternoon party at our place
right afterwards. Beer. Pizza. Wine. Cake.
Coffee. I might throw some other munchies
about. My fiance is handling the pizza
arrangements. My oldest daughter has appointed
herself as my alcohol consultant. My stepmom
is bringing a salad. My Alamama homie internized
my honeymoon.

So what's left to do? Get pretty and work a few
extra shifts to pay for primping.


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Money and changing times . . .

I can't believe I haven't posted since May.
Life has been changing so quickly, and I am
a bit reluctant to waste time with yammering
about it on line, until now. I finally
have a quiet hour to myself and I have time
to collect the thoughts rambling through
my head.

I have moved. I am working a lot. I help care
for 2 rambunctious lads. I've made friends
and so on.

I started cutting expenses in April and May.
My budget has been super stretched, paying
for my roof, and I was tired of being broke.
I canceled my home phone and internet. I ate
in as often as I could.

One day my neighbor showed up and asked me what
I was going to do about my horses. "Fatten them
up." I said. "I want them." He said. "I'll
take care of them til they die, they'll want
for nothing." Now in these times, you don't
get an offer like that. So we agreed, and he
built infrastructure from the ground up at
considerable expense (I donated gates and such)
and the horses went across the street. The
neighbor man has only them and some stray cats
to answer to, I think it was a blessing all
around. (Annual savings $2000)

In late May, my house mate moved in. She came
with a dog, a runt~kitten, a kid and a healing
heart. As she moved in, I was slowly moving
out. I was tired of living in 2 places and
needed to make a home in one.
(Annual savings: monthly utilites and about
$80/month in gas, wear/tear on the car.)

Soon after my fiance proposed I officially
moved in. (Savings to move across state line
and not pay Georgia state income tax, $200
per month.) The wedding is set for mid August.
(Tax savings to be determined, but I will be
in a lower bracket.)

I got a call from one of the managers at my
work, my weekend pay was being phased out.
So while I didn't know it was coming, my
above changes certainly helped.

Next up, my frugal wedding.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Couponing my way to collapse?

There really is an art to this couponing stuff.
One of my girlfriends brings home tons of food
that she gets for very very cheap. But as a
fellow LATOC poster pointed out, most of the
deals are for processed food ~ which they eat
so little of.

This may be why I favor couponing at chain pharmacy
stores like CVS and Walgreens. Today's CVS trip
was as follows:

step 1. Research blogs/circular/online coupons

step 2. sign up for CVS extra care card and check
cvs' site for online coupons

step 3. scan card at cvs kiosk for more coupons

step 4. make multiple purchases, up to item limits,
to make maximum use of etra care reward buckso5

The blogs explain this process in more detail.

Today's haul:

1 dawn dishwashing liquid
2 11oz maxwell house coffee
2 bottles extra laundry detergent 45 oz
2 large single roll tp
1 speedstick lady's deodorant
1 8oz herbal essence hairspray
1 15oz vo5 shampoo
1 15oz vo5 conditioner
1 10oz aussie hairspray
1 clearance/discontinued item

All this for about $18.50. I could
have done a bit better.

Cheers, M

I feel doom lurking . . .

This is a recent pic of an alligator in the

I really felt a sense of doom on the horizon,
a sense of noodginess that changes are coming.
I felt unprepared, and unsettled. So I called
a few of the brightest minds and ended up
picking a good friend's brain. "Calm down."
She said (I paraphrase), "This thing is going
to take decades."

We chatted a bit more, about everything from
my relationship to the minimal doomstead size.
She suggested that I go buy more food, and hold
onto my doomstead, all very good advice. I had
to cut our chat short. But the moral of the
story is . . . slow and steady wins the race.

And of course, I need to keep plans flexible to
adjust to a changing world.
