Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ask, and ye shall recieve . . .

Some time ago, I asked God for a new life mate.
I needed nurturing, hand holding, understanding,
and other wicked good things.

God heard, helped me over the bumbs, and I found
a new life. I became a new wife.

On a fine afternoon in late August, we married in
a park surrounded by our family and friends. The
wedding took 5 minutes, the party lasted 3 hours.
I gained three sons, he gained two daughters.
I brought an impressive dowry of weapons, ammo
and land. He brought passion, compassion, real
estate and an open mind.

Our wedding night was postponed, as we had a house
full of children. The next day we took my daughters
to the doctor. One had a swollen hand, the other
needed a checkup before she left for foreign lands.

The next morning, we boarded a plane for Virginia.
When we arrived there, it was cold and raining.
The cold felt awesome after a long hot southern summer.
Husband looked at me, and I looked at the map.
I remembered visiting the Luray Caverns when I
was all of 11 years old (1978). I pointed to
our destination and we took off.

I loved the caverns. He(Ty) loved them. When we
were done with the tour, I asked an employee where
she likes to eat lunch. We ended up at a small
town diner, filled with locals. Ty asked a local
what he liked to do for fun. We were pointed in
the direction of a scenic highway and some
wineries. The rain helped us decide on a winery.
No tours were available, but we had our first
official tasting. I finally met a chardonay I

Ty mentioned that he'd never been to the Smithsonian.
So of course, we spent the next 2 days touring
the air and space museums. We snuck in a bit of
peach picking and a visit to a feloow doomer's
for dinner. We had a gorgeous trip.


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Closure and fresh begginings . . .

I done lost my post. Gtting hitched
tomorrow. Wish us well.


Monday, August 9, 2010

Frugal weddings

I'll be honest, folks keep asking me about my
wedding plans . . . and I'm not really making
any. I had the date arranged, and changed, and
a preacher lined up with a phone call. My
fiance and I may go pick up the lisence thingy
this week.

I found a park near where we live, we're going to
mosey in commando style, get hitched, get some
gorgeous pictures and mosey out before anyone
notices 35 folks gathered about.

We're hosting an afternoon party at our place
right afterwards. Beer. Pizza. Wine. Cake.
Coffee. I might throw some other munchies
about. My fiance is handling the pizza
arrangements. My oldest daughter has appointed
herself as my alcohol consultant. My stepmom
is bringing a salad. My Alamama homie internized
my honeymoon.

So what's left to do? Get pretty and work a few
extra shifts to pay for primping.
