Fall is very weird in Georgia and
Tennesee. It comes at you out of
nowhere. One minute, it's 95F every
single day and the next it's cold
and too late to plant anything.
Joan posted a question online about
fall projects. So I thought it would
be a good time to put pen to paper,
or words to virtual space and take
stock of where I'm going and what
I'm doing.
I'm getting all my annual checkups.
I'm stocking some meds.
I'm seeing the dentist this week.
I see the neurologist next month.
We're getting the same for my husband.
I'm trying to build up my stamina and
My new tennant seems to be working out just
I'm trying not to charge. I've begun the baby
steps torwards debt paydown.
I'm pondering savings and retirement.
Stocking up:
October is just around the corner. By then I
will have caught up from moving and wedding
expenses and I'll have extra cash to prep.
My friend Nicole said she accomplished prep
just a little at a time. Yesterday we went to
Walgreens to get a few photos printed and I
picked up a store add and found some bargains.
I bought dishwashing liquid, extra tp, feminine
products for a song. I was grinning ear to ear
and hubby said, "It doesn't take much to make
you happy."
We're quietly looking for a new home.
I need my TN cocealed carry permit.
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