Monday, October 26, 2009

Credit . . .

Well I've done it. I canceled my last Visa card
last week. They wanted to offer me an attractive
adjustable rate linked to the prime rate and I
sadly had to opt out.

I ran the card up a bit, I bought some dog houses
and paid for some repair work on my home. Then I
made the call. Opting out of new terms means simply
that I can't use the card anymore and the old terms
will be in effect until it's paid for. My prior
arrangement was a lovely fixed rate.

So how will I cope? What if something happens?
First, I've made very simple holiday plans. I'll
be paying cash, less of it, and to less folks.

Second, I have a wee bit in savings. It will stay
there during lean times as some insurance.

Third, I'm slowly stocking up on essentials and
re-examining where/when/how I can save here and
there. I'm taking the lads to the library tomorrow
instead of the mall or a fast food place.

Lastly, I'm cultivating a "thrift is cool" philosophy.
Anyone can spend themselves into the ground, only
cool folks can have more fun, and do it on a dime.
I know wat day hiking at the park costs zilch, and
when the movie only costs a buck.

More later.


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