Sunday, November 27, 2011

Ahh family . . .

There are now 7 of us, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
There is almost always someone to talk to, share the load with,
butt heads against, drink a beer with, and share a meal.

Thanksgiving was great this year, no stress, no worries.

I put a dent in the Christmas shopping that night, I figured
what the hell, I have insomnia anyways. I bought heaps of warm
pajamas, and a few toys. The lads are starting basketball next
week, so I got 2 of them as well.

I did a big grocery shop Friday,I'm not having much success
dehydrating cranberries. I got a second part time, low stress
gig to help add funds to the family coffers.

Our housemate picked up a second gig, Husband dropped one job.
The oldest daughter brought home a fabulous dog, they are quite
smitten with one another.

I have been maing trips to a local thrift shop, they have clothes
on one side of the store 2/$1. So I've managed to stock up on
playclothes and get a bit ahead on bigger sizes.

Much to do, M